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Are We a Gun Shy Church?

Hebrews 10:24-25
24 And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, 25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.

Since 2020, and the craziness of the pandemic of COVID-19, church attendance has dropped off significantly. So much so, that many churches across the country have yet to fully recover from the devastation caused by fear, wokeism, capitulation, and intimidation. Many churches have closed its doors for good.

Besides the empty buildings, the pulpits are also emptying at alarming rates. In fact the reeling effects have not only affected church attendance, but the number of pastors are dropping off as well. Pastors who struggle to hold their congregations together, have fallen victim to burnout and depression.

When a pastor steps up to the pulpit and looks out into the sanctuary to see only a small handful of faithful attendees, it can wreak havoc on the pastor's heart. I know this firsthand. Oh, it is easy to just write it off and say to yourself, "I will preach to one person if that's all God will send." But it doesn't take the sting away of knowing there are people who just gave in and gave up because of the forces of evil swirling through our governments, school boards, work places, and churches telling them to stay away.

Compromises and capitulation to the world opens the door wide open to Satan and his demonic forces to enter in and deceive the hearts and minds of once faithful attendees. Driven by fear and intimidation, people would rather stay out of church gatherings and find God in the comfort of their homes. So, they sit out. Some watch on line as our technology advances and makes it convenient to participate while they sit on the sofa in their jammies.

Do not be deceived. This is only a ploy by the enemy to get you to think you can skip out meeting and assembling together and still worship God. Now, technology we have today has come along way. And yes, it has its advantages, especially among shut-ins and invalids who cannot physically attend church services. But many have gone beyond that and choose to not go to church in person, because it has become more convenient to stay home and do other things.

Some, like myself, have resorted to building a house church that provides a place for smaller groups to assemble and be the Church -- the Church that Jesus gave His life for!

So, whatever you do and wherever you go, do what the writer of Hebrews tells us - come together. Don't be like others who have forsaken the gathering of the saints. The only way we can encourage and strengthen one another is to come together and worship together. You cannot hug a brother or sister in Christ behind a locked door.

We might be strangers and aliens here in this world, but we should not be strangers in the body of Christ! For one day, we will all be in heaven and assembling and worshiping before an awesome and mighty God. Why hold out until then, when we have the opportunity to live today as if we were in heaven?

Blessings to you all.

Your servant in Christ,

Pastor Tom

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