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Bitter for Sweet

Isaiah 5:20
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

You do not need a crystal ball or tea leaves to get an idea or a vision of where this world, and in particular, this nation is heading. It seems that with each day passing, the news gets worse. Political and social rhetoric and hate, corruption, crime, and scandals breach the headlines of every news outlet. And yet, there is little being done about it, except more of it.

What has happened and is continuing to happen, even to this very hour, is that evil has replaced good. We have managed, as a nation, to throw away all that was morally good and traded it for downright wickedness - then in the same breath, calling it good. All the while Satan is having a field day, and I am quite sure he is rather pleased to see how far we are falling.

We need preachers like Isaiah to preach to this world like he did in the Scriptures. He did what Jesus did to the Pharisees and scribes by levying woes upon them for their unrighteous lives, all the while they, themselves, were calling it all good.

We need preachers who will call sin what it is and not be ashamed for preaching the truth of it. Too many preachers are operating as hirelings to the church and not feeding the flock with spiritual meat – just pablum and cotton candy, self-centered messages.

There is no real conviction that invokes a godly sorrow that leads to repentance. Quite the opposite. People are being led down the primrose lane and are being bamboozled into a false sense of salvation.

It is bad enough that our country is being tanked by inflation, high gas prices and outrages costs of living. It is bad enough to see our president and the entire federal government turn a blind eye to ethically and moral good, only to distract the nation on other nonsense that changes nothing or does any good for anyone, except to inflate the pride and line the pockets of those in power.

It is bad enough to see our elected officials (on both sides of the aisle) act like Pharisees and Sadducees, puffing themselves up on their pride and ego, living by double standards, and making proclamations and laws to pressure the sheeple into submission and accept what they are selling is good for us.

This nation, nay, this world, is need of a total reboot. It is need of a cleansing and consecration. It is need of a return to God and to good and godly values and morals. In short, it is in desperate need of the Savior – Jesus Christ!

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