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Calm After the Storm

John 16:33

"These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

Recently, we, here in Northern Virginia, had experienced a severe wintery storm that dumped nearly 12 inches of snow. This amount of snow hasn't been seen in one storm in this area for quite a few years.

Many people in the area lost power. Some for a few hours, some for several days. Some are still without power. Commuters on a nearly 50 mile stretch of I-95 were stuck as traffic stopped due to snowing conditions and a slew of accidents. People were stranded for over 24 hours, as many abandoned their vehicles for refuge elsewhere. It was quite a storm indeed.

But as with any storm, they move on, and eventually, the snow begins to melt and life returns to normal - at least until if or when the next storm hits our area again.

If another storm does come, it will at some point move on. Regardless the intensity or severity of the storms that plague our communites and the damage it leaves behind, the storm is not permanent.

We must remember that even in our personal lives, storms come and go. Some storms may seem to last forever, but they will eventually pass.

Jesus kindly reminds us that as a child of the Most High God, we have the peace of God - no matter the size of the storms or devestation they bring. The storms we face may vary. They might be come by way of financial troubles, or broken relationships, or illnesses, or loss of a loved one.

But somewhere along the line, God continues to grant each of us, who call Him Lord, His peace. That's because He has already overcome the world by giving His own life as a ransome for our sins, and the blessed assurance of eternal life.

For many in this world who walk in darkness and refuse the gift of God's great love and grace, there will be a storm coming that makes all our storms in life pale in comparison. The thought of Hell and the torment it brings outght to wake someone up and realize there is a better life to come.

Listen to the Lord Jesus. Take His advice to heart when He says, "Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."

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