Isaiah 59:4
No one calls for justice, Nor does any plead for truth. They trust in empty words and speak lies; They conceive evil and bring forth iniquity.
There is nothing more aggravating to me than a slick salesman sputtering out a sales pitch with rapid succession, and not saying anything worthy of the product that they are selling. They’ll point out all the fancy features of their product but offer no benefit. They will tell you these things to get you to rashly decide to buy without weighing out the benefits or even the disadvantages of said product.
This goes the same for preachers who preach a message with fast talk, and bible twisting flair, that you don’t have the time to decipher what they are saying. It’s like trying to keep up with a Olympic sprinter while you are on a treadmill.
Within the churches of today, there are places where people gather to witness their favorite celebrity preacher preach a gospel, not of sin and judgement, but of empty words and emotional pleas to spring loose the emotional heartstrings. They hang on every single word no matter what just because so and so said so. Some would even gladly die on that hill.
It’s time and it has been time to rid churches of false teachers and preachers who are nothing more than slick salesmen full of empty words, lies and herecies. It is time for the church to really wake up and smell the proverbial coffee. It is time for preachers to man-up and tell the truth – the whole truth. Not just some watered-down version of another gospel. But the gospel itself. About Jesus being crucified for the forgiveness of our sins that separates us from God, and in His resurrection that provides us the promise of the hope of everlasting life.
If a preacher is more concerned about keeping the membership rolls filled to maximum capacity and forego preaching on sin and avoiding the tough topics of truth contained in the Scriptures, then that preacher is susceptible of compromising the church and allow the world into the House of God and into the heart of every member.
Don’t think it isn’t happening? This has been going on for years. The church has evolved into something that is no longer recognizable by biblical standards. Now, before you get upset with me, and get your nickers in a knot, let me say that I am not speaking of every church body on the face of the globe. But it is very evident by what we have seen over time that some, if not many churches have departed from sound biblical doctrine.
These churches are either dead, extremely compromising, or just plain lukewarm. They have lost their first love and chase after a mirage of something that looks like Jesus but isn’t Him.
As Christians we have an obligation to ensure what is being taught is true and righteous, according to the Scriptures. Any deviation or twisting of God’s word is to be carefully examined, weighed, and scrutinized. If a preacher is off the mark, it is far better he be made aware of it lest he be exposed and ashamed later.