Jeremiah 30:7
Alas! For that day is great, So that none is like it; And it is the time of Jacob’s trouble, But he shall be saved out of it.
As the world keeps turning and making it's annual orbit around the sun, life on earth continues. How it continues and the manner in which it continues is questionable. There seems to be more and more movements that are steering our attention away from the One who created this old world.
From the beginning, the world, and mankind in it, has been in turmoil and upheaval. Since the population of mankind began with Adam, we have seen history played out with wars and civil unrest. We have seen corruption manifested in political houses, educational institutes, and churches. We have seen the evil in the heart of man being broadcasted into our living rooms each day. And it seems to be getting worse by the hour.
As Satan fell from heaven, he is still active in bringing about a calamity to this world. He starts by destroying the faith of a Christ follower. He thought he defeated Jesus with His death on the cross. Sadly, some fell for that lie and have fallen away.
These days are becoming more evident that we are living in the end times. But as a Christian, these days and the troubles we see, ought not to bring anxiety or worry, or fear, but hope and joy. For with each passing day, draws us closer to the Lord's return. And that is something we all should be looking forward to!
Personally, I believe the world has been in time of Jacob's trouble when Christ was crucified. God has set into motion the plan He has had for this world way before then. But I think Jesus' death had to be a pivotal event for the prophecies of the end times to play out.
Thank the Lord for His enduring word through the prophets who gave and gives us a glimpse of the days ahead, so we can look with eagerness for the Lord's redemption and salvation, and His imminent return.
For now, we can only see signs of things to come. But the earth will one day see the Lord in the fullness of His majesty and glory, when He comes back to bring an everlasting peace that the world has never known.
Until then, we may have to go through these times of trouble. We may have to see more disasters, wars and mayhem strike us. But we can also live free from fear in knowing the Lord has this all in control, and the end will prove it - we just have to believe it!
Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Tom