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Jesus Has Our Six

Updated: Jun 19, 2024

Jeremiah 1:8
"Do not be afraid of their faces, For I am with you to deliver you,” says the Lord.

If you have ever been in an uncertain or unfamiliar place in your walk in life, you may have experienced a feeling of doubt or perhaps anxiety, not knowing what to do, or how to navigate those stormy and unsettling waters.

The Prophet Jeremiah knew this all too well. He struggled with the assignment God gave him. He tried to excuse himself by claiming to be too young, and no one would listen to him. But God told Jeremiah that he was going to accomplish this task and that He would be with the prophet all the way.

I must admit, this past month, since my unemployment, it has left me feeling a bit down in the dumps. The job interviews I have had seemed to go nowhere. Plus the feeling of being so close to retirement age, has put some fear in my heart, only because I cannot afford to retire right now - even though it is something I am looking forward to in the near future.

But even in the midst of this trial, God has provided me a way. He has shown me His goodness and providence as I toiled through the storm. He has been the captain, and I the helmsman, as we, together, are steering and navigating the troubled waters.

He has also used people in my life to encourage me. No one more than my beautiful wife. She has been behind me every step of the way. God is using her to keep me encouraged and fighting through the waves of doubt.

The storm is about to come to end, as all storms eventually do. I am staring to see clear skies ahead. The job prospects are starting pay off with me landing one very positive and favorable position soon.

I realized that I had to stop my worrying, and put away every doubt and lean in on God. I had to learn the hard way to trust Him more and more every day. I had to rely on His promise He makes to all who trust in Him; that He will never leave us or forsake us. That He is always with us and will deliver us. It's hard to do sometimes, but all so necessary.

We may be holding onto the helm of the ship, but remember, it is God who is navigating us through the treacherous and stormy waters. He won't clear out the storm, but He will make a way so we can go through it, and He will be with us all the way!

Your humble servant in Christ,


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