Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
I am not one for making New Year's resolutions. Frankly, I find them to be a waste of time and energy. It was illustrated in a cartoon recently: Two donkeys sitting, and one asks the other, "What is a New Year's Resolution?" The other donkey replies, "It's a to-do list for the first week of January."
Well, if that isn't true, then I am way off base. But am I really? When you look at all the sheeples who spend so much time in making out a list of resolutions for the new year, perhaps something like getting into better shape, you have to ask, "Is this something I really need to change, or is it only a to-do list?"
So they plan to go to a local gym. They may have gotten a membership as a gift. It has been proven that the first few weeks of January, gyms are packed with new year resolvers. So much so, that regular members cannot find space. Many of them wait until the first few weeks pass, and then the gyms are vacant again.
So, what shall we do if we discover that we are unable to fulfill our resolutions? Do we put them off for the next New Year? Or, at least modify them so it is easier to fulfill them? Or, just forget about them all together? I am inclined to think the latter is what most will do.
I know firsthand, as I have tried making New Year's resolutions in the past, that it isn't very long before I get bored, or distracted and soon forget what I resolved or wanted to resolve.
Resolutions is a personal vow one makes to oneself to change something. That's why it is so easy to break and forget. No harm. No foul. No regrets. But the vows we make to ourselves, even though we may feel they are not accountable, they are nonetheless, vows.
If we make a vow, it should not be only to ourselves. For we cannot hold ourselves completely accountable - only regrettable when we fail to uphold our end. The same can be said of making a vow to God, except, we are held completely accountable by God for all we do - especially when it comes to making vows.
The bible warns us about making vows in vain:
Ecclesiastes 5:5 Better not to vow than to vow and not pay.
Numbers 30:2 If a man makes a vow to the Lord, or swears an oath to bind himself by some agreement, he shall not break his word; he shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth.
If you prefer to make a resolution, instead of making a list you may or may never accomplish, try making a promise to yourself to loving and trusting God more than you did last year. For He is the one who can truly change you. Besides, it's one vow that will always produce great results!