Psalm 34:8
Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!
Prior to a wedding, or almost any wedding, the bride may arrange and appoint particular services to be brought to the wedding reception. During this planning process, appointments might be made to examine and sample foods and cakes from local catering and bakery services, or floral arrangements by a florist, to make the appropriate selections for the reception. This examination may include an onsite visit to check out the operation, it's capabilities and overall cleanliness, as well affordability and pallet satsifaction.
As our lives are consumed with worldly things to satisfy our pallets and desires, we also must look beyond the goodness of this world (if there is any) and see for ourselves that what is truly good comes from the kingdom of God.
The Lord gives us every ample opportuntiy to lay our eyes upon and lend to our ears to His goodness by the gospel of Jesus Christ. The word of God written throughout the sixty-six books of the bible contain the most excellent and delictable food that not only satisfies our cravings, but fufills our soul to overlfowing proportions.
Yet, many among believing and unbelieving congregations never open their bible - let alone carry one into church these days - to taste and see all the goodness the Lord provides to completely satisfy the soul. They depend on others, like preachers and priests to give them portions and fragments of Scriptures that merely whet the appetite, but still leaves them hungry. It's like eating a whole bag of chips only to crave something more satisfying later.
Our heavenly Father has given to us a plate full of His grace and mercy, and tops it off with love and salvation by the sacrificial offering of His only Son, Jesus Christ. For it was by Christ's death and resurrection we are invited to come to the table by way of repentance and forgiveness of our sins and partake of His righteousness and salvation.
Are you hungry for something more than what the world can offer you? Dust off and open your bible and there taste and see the goodness of the Lord. If you are not born again, I greatly encourage you and emplore you to come to down to the cross where Jesus died, repent of your sins and ask Him to be your Lord and Savior today!
Down at the cross
Where my savior died
Down where for cleansing
From sin I cried
There to my heart
Was the blood applied
Glory to His name!