2 Timothy 3:1-5
But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!
A trend of lawlessness has unfolded in cities run by progressive leaders this spring. The latest incident occurred on Saturday night in Downtown Chicago, where hundreds of teenagers wreaked havoc by smashing car windows and destroying public and private property. They also attempted to enter Millennium Park, which prompted a significant police response. There was even a shooting that resulted in multiple injuries. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/all-hell-breaks-out-chicago-hundreds-teenagers-wreak-havoc
What is this world coming to? Well, if you are even the slightest aware of Scripture you will see where we are. Prophesies are unfolding right before our eyes, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist, or educated theologian to understand that this world is being hurled headlong towards a climatic event never seen before,
The evidence is blaring at maximum volume. Yet, many in government and in our local municipalities, communities, schools, and even in our churches are tone deaf to the calamity that is happening right now. Our youth is out of control and no one seems to care.
We have hamstrung our law enforcement agencies so much that they cannot and will not put these tragedies to rest. We have law makers and Attorney's General/District Attorneys who fail to prosecute crimes that are being committed.
We have pastors at pulpits preaching how much Jesus loves you, but don't speak a word about the sin in your life and the utter and desperate need of a Savior.
So, what do you expect when you see our youth, and our world spin out of control?
I think if you really dig deep enough, you will find that the reason our youth is running rampant in evil deeds, isn't because of a lack of laws, but stems from a home life absent of God. We want to place blame on things and persons for the wreaking havoc our kids are causing like a poor economy, the complete inversion of moral issues and wholesome values, a social injustice system that divides, among other things, are pointed to as the cause, and gives our kids an excuse, and dare I say, permission for this outbreak of lawlessness among our youth.
But the real issue isn't the law or lack of laws. It is a problem as old as time itself - SIN. Until we get a real sense and true grip of the damaging effects sin has on our lives, especially in the lives of our youth, prophesy will continue to play out and many will suffer the consequences.
Parents, please get more involved with your children's lives. Stop trying to their "BFF." They don't want that from you anyway. Be a mom and dad to your kids. More than that, be a Godly parent. If you stop being a parent, you and your kids will suffer more than you will ever know.
If you are a follower of Christ, but live a life void of any evidence of it, turn back, repent and provide your kids a safe place in Jesus.
There is absolutely no reason or justification for teens to be out late at night and creating this type of mayhem.
This is not isolated to just one city. It's happening all over the country. It's time to reel our kids back in and teach them to respect and honor God and others.
Our youth is being jeopardized and compromised. They will have to pay a dear price for their sins if nothing is done. And Satan is laughing all the way to the bank.
So, don't be surprised when, not if, you see more things like chaos, mayhem and destruction take place. God gives warnings through prophecies before His judgment comes - and it is coming sooner than we might think!
Pastor Tom