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The Ruins of Bitterness

Ephesians 4:31
Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice.

Have you ever met someone who just seemed to be angry all the time? No matter what kind thing you might say to them, they always respond with some form of bitterness and anger. They never seem to say anything nice to anyone. They live with a heart of contempt and wrath.

These kind of people can never be happy, because deep down inside, they have become rooted in bitterness. Perhaps they have been hurt and disappointed beyond repair? Perhaps they have been mistreated and abused? The reasons may vary and may be quite different from one person to the next. But if bitterness and anger have a place to dwell and fester, it becomes deeply rooted and almost impossible to uproot.

This so damaging on many levels. It can damage the spirit of a person by resentment and hatred. It can also physically damage a person through stress, emotional disorders, heart disease, etc. It can and will debilitate a person to the point of becoming almost invalid.

It's been said that when a bitter person dies, there is usually a great pain and agony that manifests in the body. They die in complete torture. The opposite is true of a person who is at peace with God and others. Those who pass away in that peace, die with a smile, knowing they are finally seeing Jesus face to face.

It is sad that people think they can live a relatively peaceful life and yet harbor deep resentment and sharp bitterness, all the while, thinking nothing is wrong with them. They carry it wherever they go. The carry into the church too. It not only affects the person holding onto the burden, but it effects everyone they are in contact with too.

My mom used to say, "If you can't something nice about someone, don't say anything at all." If we can do a better job of controlling our tongue and minds, and as Paul says, let it all that evil stuff be put away from you, we might find that we can live among each other and see a much more harmonious outcome.

Your servant in Christ,

Pastor Tom

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