Matthew 24:42
Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. 43 But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. 44 Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
In these modern days, there is much to do to make sure our lives are protected and secure. There are news breaking stories every day where someone has been the victim of a home intrusion or break in. We have great technological security devices that affords us protection from such invasions and intrusions. Things such as Ring, VPN, ADT, and remote security applications that can lock your door and turn off lights, etc.
We can remain relatively safe within our dwellings. Thereby, we can keep the intruders at bay and from causing harm.
But what about your spiritual security? Have you taken the necessary precautions to secure your heart from an unseen enemy force who wants to destroy you? From before the beginning of time, God designed and planned a security measure for all mankind, in the form of His Son, Jesus Christ.
Why is this important to know? Well, for one thing we are all born sinners bearing the mark of the original sin (Genesis 3). Therefore, God in all His infinite grace and mercy, and great love for His creation, has implemented a security plan to save us from the condemnation our sins warrant, and to keep us safe and secure from our enemy – Satan, by sending His Son Jesus to die on the cross so our sins could be forever forgiven, and give us eternal life.
Jesus’ first advent, or arrival, was to bring God’s salvation to the world and offer Himself as the once for all sacrifice by dying for the forgiveness of our sin. His second coming, as He was describing to His disciples in the Olivet Discourse of Matthew 24, was to inform them that the world is going to get a big wake up call soon, but the hour and day are unknown and known only to God the Father.
He gives the disciples, and us, a charge to be watchful, prepared, and ready for the coming of the Son of Man. He tells of things to be wary of and watch for signs of His coming but gives no indication of when this is going to happen.
He relates this form of vigilance to the idea that we never know when the thief is coming, and if we don’t take the necessary steps to guard ourselves from the intrusion, we are subject to whatever harm comes our way.
But, if our security measure is rested in Christ and His promises, we can rest assured when He comes. For when He comes, He brings an army with Him and settles the world’s sin issues once and for all and puts the enemy of our soul away forever.
So, what steps should we take to guard ourselves and attain this security? It begins by acknowledging Christ as the Son of God, and savior. It begins with a sorrowful repentance that leads to salvation. It begins by placing your faith – completely – in the Lord.
There is no formal process or technology that you must implement to obtain this type of security. Just simply call on the name of the Lord and repent of your sins – that is to turn away from your sinful life and live for Christ, who seals you with the Holy Spirit, forgives your sins, and offers eternal life with Him.
My bible tells me that God never makes a promise He won’t keep. Salvation is available and a sure thing when you make the decision to accept and receive this life saving gift.
Romans 10:13 For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”