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The Ununited States

Job 26:20-21
20 Do not long for the night, when peoples vanish in their place. 21 Take care; do not turn to iniquity, for this you have chosen rather than affliction.

I just heard some news on the radio during my drive into work this morning that has me deeply troubled and concerned. I am concerned over the unrelenting and unconstitutional powers being levied upon the people of this nation, all in the name of unity and democracy.

This is from the New York Post: Facebook has been spying on the private messages and data of American users and reporting them to the FBI if they express anti-government or anti-authority sentiments — or question the 2020 election — according to sources within the Department of Justice.

It was bad enough that Big Tech, under the approving eyes of government, had censored and banned some from social media posts that reflect opposition or questioned the government's policies.

It is bad enough now, that we are seeing people who have been speaking out against the evil in this nation, have been subjects of unconstitutional surveillance and investigations, to include arrests, unlawful search and seizures of confiscating personal property like mobile phones and documents. Constitutional rights to privacy and freedoms are now obsolete terms.

What is this nation coming to? The things that have been going on for the past few years have only been otherwise seen in nations like China, North Korea, and Iran. Are we a "socialist nation" or are we slowly becoming one? It is quite evident that God is not number one here in America. Instead, we use His name in vain to make the evil look like good.

We are unravelling at the seams. The fabric of our Constitution has become like toilet paper. Justice has been given over to injustice and Gestapo type tactics. And if you speak out against any injustice, you are marked as a conspiracist. It is quite evident indeed that our rights and freedoms have become null and void. Free speech, the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness have been eliminated, except for the radical elites.

Christ cannot come back soon enough for me. He is the only hope and assurance we have. No longer can our so-called form of "democracy" be trusted. Your thoughts are no longer your thoughts, and can and will be used against you if you dare to challenge the authorities of darkness. This Orwellian age we are living in is just the beginning.

Soon we may see churches be shut down and pastors being carried off to prison for speaking truth from God's word, which diametrically opposes the government's, in partnership with mainstream and social media's agenda.

If we keep going in the direction we are headed, we will no longer recognize ourselves. It is beyond high time to leave God out this. It is time for this nation, as a whole, to repent and return to the Godly values and tenants that this nation was founded upon.

More rules and laws aren't the answer. We are making more rules now that we will not be able to obey. Gee! That sounds familiar. I think I found something like that in the Old Testament.

This nation is not done, though many may say so. God may have turned His back on us, but He is not finished yet. It may get real ugly and worse before He returns, but we who believe, have a Lord and Savior in Christ Jesus in whom we can trust and depend upon without question. Preserve and persevere in your faith. Trust in God. Fear not. The world may hate you, but God still loves you.

Come, Lord Jesus, come.

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