Romans 1:28
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting
It's hard to believe or merely understand how our nation has gone in such a wayward way. There is no resemblance of what we used to be a few decades ago. We have become more divided, more bitter, more hate-filled, more intolerant, more self-centered, and completely less Godly.
We have let a bunch of liberal extremists dictate how we should be governed. how we are to think and respond to our social and geopolitical cultures. Liberality has invaded the church to the point that Christianity is hardly recognizable.
Wokeness, the destruction of family, social class division, sexual identity confusion, cancel culture, and ungodly pride are the new mantras of this generation.
There is a growing dismissal of anything Godly. Religion is no longer considered a right and freedom, but one of contempt and considered unlawful in the minds of many.
The denial of God, or worse, a depiction of another god has swept through almost every community. But this should not be that alarming. If you pay any attention to Scripture, you will find this wave of ungodliness is not surprising. Maybe we should be surprised there isn't more of it.
We are the United States of America in name only. The church is being kept at bay and silenced from speaking out against the tyranny and anarchy. Pastors and congregations are capitulating and conforming to demonic influences, worldly standards, and abandoning godly principles, leaving Christianity aside and thrown to the curb.
Where are the voices that need to be heard to stand up against this mayhem and nonsense? Have we become a nation of sheep wandering aimlessly and guided by hirelings who only care for themselves?
John 10:11-13 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep. 12 But a hireling, he who is not the shepherd, one who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees; and the wolf catches the sheep and scatters them. 13 The hireling flees because he is a hireling and does not care about the sheep."
We can no longer solely depend on election cycles to solve our sin problems and bring the kind of change this nation needs. We need to put God first and consider His ways above our own. We need some people like King Josiah to tear down the idols that rob God of glory and restore our beloved nation to its roots steeped in Christian morals and values.
Is it too late? Have we gone too far? Has God given us over to debased minds and allowing us to self-destruct? It may appear so. But God will save those who remain faithful and reward those who are obedient. The question is, where do you stand in all this?
It is time to harvest the crop and separate the wheat from the tares!