Genesis 6:12
So God looked upon the earth, and indeed it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth.
Marines will go through periodical inspections throughout the course of their career. Many hours are spent in preparation for these "white glove" inspections. Uniforms are are pressed and hung in orderly fashion to present a clean and tidy display. But there is one thing that inspectors look for on the uniform, besides fit and serviceability, and that is --- hanging or loose threads. These are commonly called "Irish Pennants." They are called that probably because of the green uniform, and that they hang like a pennant. It would often annoy me, as an inspector to find these Irish pennants on a uniform, because it showed a lack of attention to detail.
The real problem with a loose thread, other than it being unsightly, is sometimes the thread is connected and woven into the material or stitching, so that when pulled, it begins to unravel. Next thing you know, you have a wad of thread and a heap of loose material.
I am not sure where you might stand in the way things are going on in this nation, but a blind man can see clearly how this nation is slowly unraveling. We have managed to put self-centered, ego maniacs into executive offices that continually chip away the Constitution and unravel the fabric of our personal freedoms. Their justification? They know better and know what's best for America. Really?
Is that why we have people in office who abuse their positions for self gain and lead corrupted lives, then justify it with lies because they know better? Or is it because they are so connected to their network of other corrupted players that they build a security fence around their actions?
In Genesis chapter 6, the wickedness of man got so bad that God destroyed the earth with the Great Flood. By God's grace He spared a few. But as the population began to grow in the world, mankind still has a rebellious heart and has suffered under God's judgment in order to return to His righteousness and grace. That is because of the love of God He has not destroyed the world like he did with the flood.
The children of Israel experienced an unraveling throughout the course of their history. From the beginning and the fall of mankind, sin has caused an unraveling spirit that manifests itself in evil and wicked living.
Judges 2:11 Then the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and served the Baals
Judges 3:7 So the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord. They forgot the Lord their God, and served the Baals and Asherahs.
However, if this world (mankind) does not repent and have a change of heart, and worship the LORD God, this nation is doomed. Maybe we have been doomed already as a nation. I certainly would not blame God for turning His back on a nation who turns their back in Him. If nothing changes, but continues as is, this nation, and the world, will have to endure the wrath of God that is yet to come upon this earth. It will be a time of long suffering and one that will bring enormous pain to the earth.
An election cycle will not change what really needs to be changed. No politician, regardless what side of the aisle they sit, or the promises they make, will overcome the fast growing cancer that has infected our nation, our communities, our workplaces, our schoolhouses, and even in some of our churches, unless there is a true repentance and response to the gospel of Jesus Christ. It saddens me to think this nation is going down the toilet, as we forsake God, forsake our liberties, by empowering corrupt and evil people into power.
It's high time we get our collective rear ends in order and stop the unraveling, and repent, and turn back to the sovereign grace, truth and justice of God. Then, maybe then, we might see the good hand of God and see Him bless our nation again. Satan might get a belly laugh from all this, but in the end, God will have His day! That's for sure!
Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Tom