Still Waters Home Fellowship
Sunday Service: 10:00 AM
Helpful Resources
Here are few helpful resources to aid you into a further and enriching study of God's word
Bible Gateway
Bible Gateway is a searchable online Bible tool hosting more than 200 versions of the Bible in over 70 languages that you can freely read, research, and reference anywhere. Including a library of audio Bibles, mobile apps, devotionals, email newsletters, and other free resources, Bible Gateway equips you not only to read the Bible, but to understand it.
The Word of the Lord Endures Forever
William Weedon has served as a parish pastor for 26 years. He is currently an assistant pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Hamel IL. Weedon served as Director of Worship and Chaplain for the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod from 2012-2019. He is the author of the books Celebrating the Saints, Thank, Praise, Serve and Obey and See My Savior’s Hands. Pastor Weedon holds a Master of Divinity and a Master of Sacred Theology degree from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
Enduring Word
Enduring Word exists to promote the work of Christian discipleship and evangelism worldwide, mainly through the publication and dissemination of the Bible teaching work of David Guzik and likeminded people.
Got Questions
"Got Questions Ministries seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by providing biblical, applicable, and timely answers to spiritually related questions through an internet presence."
Bible Study Tools
​We aim to offer the freshest and most compelling biblically-based content to Christians who take their relationship with Christ seriously. gives Christians of any age and at any stage the opportunity to read, study, understand, and apply the Bible to their lives. With free devotionals, study guides, helpful articles, and rich personalization functions, visitors to Bible Study Tools will be able to make the most of their Bible study time and unlock its meaning in their lives in new and vital ways.
The Blue Letter Bible
Blue Letter Bible has been blessed by God to reach all corners of the world with our tools and resources. It is immensely humbling to be used in such a significant manner for the spread of God's gospel.
Fighting for the Faith
Fighting for the Faith compares what popular pastors, preachers, teachers, conference speakers, self-proclaimed prophets and prophetesses and self-appointed apostles and apostlets say to the word of God.
The Messed Up Church
Many of the videos here are intended for people who are asking tough questions and who are looking for someone to tell them the truth. We sometimes make light of these false teachers because they are surrounded by an environment of total conformity, and to stay within that false narrative lends them further credibility.
Long for Truth
​Long for Truth exists to expose the wacky, crazy, and blasphemous things being said and done by much of the modern Evangelical Church.